What is Volunteer Firefighter Credit?
Act 172 of 2016 provides municipalities with the option to offer a real estate or earned income tax credit to active members of volunteer fire companies and nonprofit emergency medical service agencies through a volunteer service credit program. Active volunteers who meet the service credit criteria established by the municipality in consultation with the fire chief or supervisor of the EMS agency would be eligible for the tax credit.
Each municipality may choose whether to offer the earned income tax credit, the real estate tax credit, or both.
For more information about firefighter credit and eligibility, click here.
How do I apply?
An active volunteer who wants to take advantage of the credit must sign and submit an application for certification to their chief or supervisor, who will sign and attest that the active volunteer meets the qualifications of the program or can no longer serve due to an injury. The application is then forwarded to the municipality for review.
A fillable copy of this application is available HERE.